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Client Reviews

"During the flood (Sept 2013) I injured my shoulder in a way that I had never experienced.  I thought I had a serious injury that could be with me for a long time.  After living with it for a few weeks I took advantage of Carrie's generous offer of free bodywork for those affected [by the flooding].  With just one session the results were amazing.  I was back to normal and it was a direct result of her talent and skill.  She will be my first choice always for bodywork needs.  An excellent practitioner."

                             - Michael: Volunteer Firefighter Jamestown, Teen Counselor/Coach, Father



"Carrie is an extremely skilled massage therapist. She employs a number of various techniques that offer a creative approach to therapeutic healing as well as pleasurable touch. She is sensitive and intuitive and just what my body needs!"


                             - Hannah: Dance Teacher, Dancer, Mother



"I recently received a massage from Carrie in hopes of getting rid of some persistent back pain. I was planning a two week cycling tour with my son and didn't want to have to endure it the entire time. I'm happy to say that even after 525kms on rough Himalayan roads... I'm still pain free! Thanks Carrie."


                              -Ryan: Non-Profit Director, Avid Cyclist, Father



"After a snowboarding accident, I had persistent pain in my glutes which went down into the back of my leg and knee.  It felt like sciatica.  It affected my ability do my landscaping job. After just one massage with Carrie, the pain ceased!  I could go back to doing landscaping work without being in pain.  Carrie has magical hands!!"


                              -Brandon: Personal Trainer, Landscaper, Snowboarder




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